The importance of kindness

I remember the first day of my sophomore year was a mess. My school is kind of set up weird, so the freshman campus is separate from 10th, 11th, and 12th. So, it was my first day at this new big school and my schedule had been switched so many times. I didn’t know where to go or what my new schedule even was and I was on the verge of a breakdown although I was trying my best to keep myself together. I stood in line at one of the offices trying to get my new schedule printed but could not seem to find help. I began walking down one of the hallways after an hour and a missed lunch when a man just pops out from I swear thin air and asks if I need help. I explain to him my situation and he walks into his classroom and prints my schedule just like that. He was kind to me when he didn’t know I needed it. Times like this always remind me why it is important to be kind to everyone you meet.

Being kind has always held high importance to me. I never want to hurt someone and on the times that I mess up and do, I think about it for days. It’s just a part of who I am. So, when I am shown kindness I always appreciate it more than I say. We are all fighting our own battles. Every person has their own struggle or insecurity that sometimes and I find often we know nothing about. But showing kindness, that could change someone’s day in an instant. I’ve been that girl with no one to sit with at lunch. I’ve been that girl who didn’t know where she fit. And I’ve been the girl that’s felt left out. And if I had to guess I think you have in some way been there too. Because disappointment is a part of life. It hurts a lot, but in the end, I find it makes us stronger. Though it is so much easier to get through these disappointments and hurt when we have someone on our side who loves us and shows kindness. And that person, friends is the one who created you. He knows your heart and intentions better than even you.

In Ephesians 4:32 it reads “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” I found this verse the other day and it really hit home for me. Y’all, people can be mean. I know it and you know it. People can say and do hurtful things and at times it may feel like we will never get over it. But I promise you can and you will. It’s easy to forget what kind of cruel things Jesus had to face. He dealt with persecutors and people who wanted him dead. They saw Jesus in all of his goodness and glory and still they wanted him killed. And on the day he died people shouted,” crucify him.” They continued to be cruel to a man so full of love. Because there are people out there, with hearts so full of hate. But friends we don’t need to let this that define us. And we do not need to let it stop us from treating people with kindness. The Lord showed kindness and forgiveness to us on the day human beings cheered for his death. He didn’t act bitter or hateful. Instead he died for our sins to be forgiven. Just like that. He saw through the hate and did the most beautiful thing to ever exist, he forgave. Our Lord forgave the sin and saved us from it. He did that for us, despite the hate.

I think of kindness like a delicate gift. When you receive it, it’s fragile and glimmering with newness. What you do with that gift is your choice. You can appreciate it and take care of it and share it with someone else. Or you can ignore it, break it, or throw it away. There are no rules, it’s all up to you. But friends I ask you to think hard about how you treat people. I ask that you think before you speak and before you act. It’s so easy to get caught up in our lives and I know because I’ve been there. But everyone has feelings and everyone wants to be treated with kindness. What’s the point of being mean?

I guess lately I’ve learned that yah people can be mean. Life can be disappointing. And our feelings can be hurt. But we serve a God who is so above all that and who has been through more than we could ever truly process. I’ve learned we can rise above these hurtful things if we chose. We can choose to stay kind and truthful to ourselves. Every day we all make our own choices about how we are going to treat people. And how you treat people, in my opinion, says a lot about you. You are not the opinion of someone who doesn’t really know you or quite honestly care about you. So, make the choice to be kind. Make the choice to ask the person sitting alone to sit with you. Make the choice to ask people how they are and to say thank you. The little things friends, go a long way sometimes. You are so loved and so worthy and all your flaws and mistakes can be forgiven in the eyes of the Lord. You deserve to be treated with compassion. Be the kind in the world friends. Ditch the hate and find the love. Don’t hold on to bitter feelings. So be honest, be kind, and be real. Hate doesn’t stand a chance against the kindness in your heart.

All the love, Annie



  1. BRIAN M
    May 19, 2018 / 10:08 am

    My Special A, You have such a sweet and caring, soul. Keep doing what you’re doing, because as you already know, things end up falling into place.

    You touch everyone you meet in a positive way and the world is a googolplex (that’s a lot – 10^10^100) times better place because you’re in it.

    Love, UB

  2. Kristen
    May 11, 2018 / 1:10 pm

    Annie – you keep being YOU because you are AWESOME!!! Awesomely created and living an authentic life. I see what a great heart you have and although that may get you hurt sometimes I am amazed at how you get on here and inspire others. You are right – people can be cruel and there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for that!! I hope to “be the kind” in the world too!! Keep writing , you are making a difference!!!

  3. Michelle Cash
    May 10, 2018 / 10:06 pm

    I LOVE this! Beautifully said and lived! I was just thinking today that I would love to read a new post from you and, boom, here it is. You are amazing. Keep seeking HIM and keep writing! Love you!

  4. Sydney
    May 10, 2018 / 4:00 pm

    You are truly an inspiration 💕❤️

  5. Aunt Katie
    May 10, 2018 / 3:11 pm

    Annie, you have SUCH a way with words. And girl, you literally just said what our Press Secretary said when she was recently publicly and cruelly insulted at the Press Corp dinner – she said that it says a lot more about the offender than it does about her. Annie, you are wise beyond your years. You are talented, smart, thoughtful, and KIND! I love you so much my heart just bursts!! XOXOXOXO AK

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