A letter to my mom

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Dear Mom,

There a lot of things I want to say to you, that I fear I don’t say enough. When I Iook at you, I see everything I want to be. I see someone who loves with her whole heart, and who doesn’t let people push her around. I see my biggest fan and best hug giver. I see the mom I hope to be one day. You are more important to me than I could ever say in words. Your heart is so full of courage and sometimes I think you don’t even know it’s there. Your ability to handle curve balls as they come as effortlessly as you do if astonishing. You are always telling me to just deal with things as they come and to not worry about things that haven’t even happened yet. And that’s what you do. You deal. Whatever happens you help me and the twins handle it, no questions asked, you help us deal.

You are always there for me. No matter what. I am not afraid to tell you anything and you know more about me than any other person on this Earth. You want to know how my day was and what’s on my heart and that means more to me than I ever let on. Thank you for caring and loving with such ease. You are my best friend forever. I want to hang out with you over anyone, any day of the week. You don’t let me, let my fear hold me back. You inspire me to be brave. I am a better person because you are my mom. I feel so lucky that God picked you to be my mom. Like how did I get you? I’m a lucky girl and I hope you know that. You are my rock. You love me through everything- the good and the bad. You don’t judge me for my mistakes but instead help me learn from them. When I cry, your there with a hug and a listening ear. You do so much more than just take care of me, your strengthen me.

All day every day, I’m learning how to be by watching you. I could not ask for a better woman to guide me in my walk with Christ. You’ve taught me to be kind always, to walk away from hurtful situations, to stand up to my fear, to love with my whole heart, that church is important, and that chocolate of any kind but preferably ice cream is a pretty good medicine. You are my world and everything I could ever want in a friend and mom. Taylor swift said it best because you are all my best days. But you are also there on my worst days. You are there for me every day without fail and wow I could never do it without you. You are smart and beautiful and kind and good and the best example of the Christian I strive to be. I love you more than words could ever say. Happy Mother’s Day Mom.

All the love, Annie


1 Comment

  1. Katie
    May 13, 2018 / 10:25 am

    Annie, I love this post. Your mom is one amazing woman and we’re both lucky. I love you so much !

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