Dear High School Freshman

I can hardly believe it but in about one week, I’ll start my senior year of college. Which I genuinely cannot believe is possible because it seems like just yesterday I moved into my freshman dorm. For me, college has been the most influential three years of my life thus far. I’ve changed and learned more than I ever thought possible.

The other night, I happened to drive past my old high school on the day of 9th-grade open house. I watched kids walk in with their parents and friends feeling scared nervous and unsure of what the next four years would bring. And this made me start thinking about myself at 15 years old and how nervous I was to start high school.I wish I could tell her so many things. I wish I could tell her how some things would change and how some things would stay the same. I wish I could tell her to be more confident in who she is. I wish she knew she was good enough, smart enough, and brave enough to do all the things her heart desired. I wish I could tell her it gets so much better but that these moments would also bring so much growth. And so after I played Fifteen (Taylor’s Version) in the car, I thought of a few things I wish I could tell those new ninth graders.
Anyway, here they are and I hope someone finds some peace in all the things I wish someone told me going into high school.

Dear high school freshman,

If I could go back in time and talk to myself at fifteen, I’d have a million things to say and no clue where to start. But if I had to start somewhere the first thing I’d say is to breathe. This moment and this year feel like everything right now. You feel nervous and scared and wonder how you got here so fast. You rethink every word you say. You worry what you’re wearing is wrong. You wonder about what friends you’ll make and if anyone will like you back. But I pinky promise you, one day most of this year will be a blur that you look back on and cringe a little at when you look at old photos.

Do the things you love to do and don’t worry what other people think. (which I also know is easier said than done). Whatever brings you joy and makes you feel excited, do that. The only person living your life is you. You don’t need anyone else’s approval. Do things at your own pace. Life is not a race and while it may seem that way, neither is high school. Talk to new people. Not everyone’s nice. Some people will not want to be your friend. Find the people who love you exactly as you are. (this one can be hard, but I promise there are people in your life who love you.) You deserve better than a last minute invitation somewhere. You deserve the chance to try things and not like them. You’re going to make mistakes and have big wins. You’re going to feel invincible and scared all at the same time.

More than anything, I hope you know that these four years do not define you. But I hope you give yourself the chance to get all the good things you can out of them. I hope you give yourself space to grow. I hope you set your standards high because you deserve to be truly loved as you are. I hope you make choices that are right for you and not only the ones that you think you should make. I hope you make mistakes and learn from them. I hope you make time for the people that matter. These years do not define you but they give you a chance to grow, learn, and become a version of yourself that you begin to love. No one’s life or experience looks the same. But I hope more than anything you stay true to who you are. Your existence is unique and is going to make a huge difference in the world. Don’t let anyone make you think who you are isn’t enough. You’re going to look back so soon and wonder where the time went. I promise you’ll blink and suddenly you’re walking across a stage leaving these years behind. You’re going to get through it and do amazing things along the way.

And to quote the wonderful Taylor Swift
“You might just find who you’re supposed to be.”

All the Love, Annie

P.S I’m rooting for you



  1. Patty Laubach
    August 18, 2022 / 7:57 am

    Beautiful message, Annie!!! I know you are helping many people with your insight!!! You’re amazing!!!

  2. Aunt Katie
    August 18, 2022 / 1:47 am

    How incredibly insightful, Annie. You have such a gift in expressing your life experiences in words. I feel blessed you are my first niece and find myself bragging on you all the time. I love you and am so very proud of you. Enjoy your senior year!

    Love always,
    Your Aunt Katie

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