Remembering what’s important

I am currently in the midst of a crazy busy season of life. One thing seems to be together and then all of the sudden I have 20 new things that need to be taken care of. I feel like I’m on a boat with a bunch of holes and when I finally get one hole patched up another opens. It’s nonstop action. Anyway, lately I’ve felt super anxious and stressed trying to keep it all together and in the midst of all of it, I feel like I’ve forgotten to step back and remember what truly matters.

I was sitting on the couch the other night trying to do like 5 things at once and on the verge of a mental breakdown when all of the sudden it hit me. The words “what’s really important here” came at me strong. I’ve been prioritizing school, college applications, and making plans over taking time for myself, spending time with God, and enjoying time with family. The things that feel bigger currently, seemed to be taking over my life and leaving me anxious and frustrated. Friends, lately more than ever I have realized how easy it is to get caught up in the things right in front of us. They glow and blink and demand attention. While the truly important things stand closer to the back waiting to be remembered. Yes, grades are important. Yes, you should apply to college if you want to. Yes, you should make plans. Yes, you should work hard at your job. But those things should not overcome you so much that you forget to step back and let yourself live.

Your mental health is important. Lately I’ve learned if I feel myself getting anxious I need to step away for a second. I need to go sit in the kitchen and talk to my mom. Or read a chapter of a book. Or do a devotion. Checking in with yourself emotionally is so important friends! If you feel so absorbed in work or life in general that you forget yourself, step back for a second. The other day I was having a lot of anxiety. So I closed my laptop, opened my journal, and did a devotional for 15 minutes and it felt so good. I wondered why I didn’t do this more and I think it’s because we simply forget. We forget to check in with ourselves. Life is overwhelming and often we forget that we need time to breathe. But it’s important not to and it’s something I’m working on.

Your family is important. It’s easy to get so caught up in friendships, relationships, and work that you end up not spending as much time with your family as you maybe should. They are important! I really feel that it matters to make that a priority in your life.

Spending time with God is important. I don’t want to sound cliché but y’all it’s so true. It doesn’t have to take the whole day and it doesn’t have to just be reading the bible. It could be listening to the Christian station in your car. Or taking 15 minutes to do a devotional. Or reading a Christian book. Or going for a walk and praying. There is no perfect way. God is everywhere and he wants to spend time with you. The other day I was so tired and ready to sleep after a long day. But I really felt the need to spend some time with God before bed so I took out “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff and decided to read a chapter. And After reading it, I cried. It was the craziest thing but I simply didn’t know I needed the words I read until I saw them. And it totally changed my outlook on the whole week. Life isn’t perfect and maybe you won’t make time to spend with God every day. But we can’t forget that it’s important.

So figure out what’s important to you. I know there are things I didn’t include and I know there are things specific to each individual. But friends it is so important to find those things and hold on to them. Because life can get tough. And I believe that if we keep the things that matter close, the harder stuff feels a bit better. So work hard. But don’t forget to take time for yourself. I’ve realized lately that it’s so Important. God seems to have a way of working things out if we simply let him. Life can be tough but you are tougher. Sending love and hugs through the screen to you all this week!

All the love, Annie



  1. Laurie
    September 21, 2018 / 7:41 am

    Great article ! Love it annie !

  2. Katie
    September 20, 2018 / 2:23 pm

    Out of the ballpark, once again!!!

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