A year ago

Looking back on my life a year ago, I’d say so many things have changed and also nothing really at all. A year ago, I viewed myself as an over anxious, quiet person. I was always nervous and kept that quietly to myself as I continued to try and be brave. I felt weird for never really joining a sport in high school or anything else that made me happy. I had a deep love for writing that I kept buried away afraid to tell others how I felt. I was afraid to start this blog. Afraid people would laugh at me or view me as a too innocent/naive girl. And somewhere along the way I also learned that parts of our life are temporary and we eventually have to say goodbye to them. I questioned God a lot and wondered how his ways made sense. And then one day I decided to go for it. I decided to start working on a blog. Seriously one day I woke up and decided today was the day.

I’ve wanted to start a blog since I was 15 years old and first started to see my anxiety in action. But I was too afraid of the what ifs. And for so long I have let the what ifs hold me back in life. So seriously one day about a year ago I told myself that I was doing it. I was starting a blog. So, I bought the template and the blog name and the host site subscription. I worked hard with my uncle to get the site set up. And well basically here we are.

I’ve been thinking about that lately. How one decision changed my whole life. Because now I get to do something that makes me feel good about myself. It’s hard and scary to voice my opinions but at the same time it’s the best thing to ever happen to me.  I still think of myself as too quiet sometimes. I still get hurt and wonder why. But I now feel strong. I’m more confident in who I am and what I stand for. I am more easily proud of myself for trying, no matter the number of followers or likes.

I could honestly cry thinking about the girl I was a year ago mentally compared to the girl I am now. And so anyway back in August I was lucky enough to attend the Apparel Market in Atlanta for a couple hours. And while I was there I met an amazing t shirt designer for Christian apparel and fell in love with her shirts. So I bought four shirts that I felt identified with my personal growth in my faith and the growth of those around me. And today those four t shirts are launching on my new gracefully living online store! It’s scary to put those up because there’s a good chance people won’t buy them. There’s a chance people won’t like them. But if any one person finds a shirt they like and feels empowered by God’s Grace, all the intimidating feelings are worth it. So essentially this is a soft opening with a few number of shirts to see if the shop could work! And I so hope it does. But either way I am so thankful to anyone who has ever read a post of mine. Every view no matter the number makes me so happy and confident and inspires me to keep trying. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me find my voice.

All the love, Annie



  1. Patty Laubach
    December 30, 2018 / 6:46 am

    Annie, you were always strong and talented! There are different seasons in our lives where our talents shine. Congratulations with love, Patty Laubach

  2. Brooke Levitt
    November 27, 2018 / 9:59 pm

    You’re doing amazing things! So proud of you! Keep up the work!

  3. November 27, 2018 / 7:53 pm

    Love this Annie !! So so proud of you 🙂

  4. Mamama
    November 26, 2018 / 2:52 pm

    Annie, I am so proud of you.♥️♥️

  5. Linda Seay
    November 26, 2018 / 2:43 pm

    Annie, you make me so proud. ♥️♥️

  6. November 26, 2018 / 7:06 am

    Love you, Annie! Way to go! I want a shirt!!

    • November 27, 2018 / 9:52 pm

      Thank you so much for ordering. That means so much to me!!

  7. Joy Ellis
    November 25, 2018 / 11:13 am

    Keep being brave. By being brave you are showing others that they can also be brave. I went to school with your uncle and I am glad he is helping you. I am thankful that he shared your blog. Keep writing!

  8. Katie
    November 25, 2018 / 7:13 am

    Annie, you are one amazingly talented girl! I’m so proud of you!! Xoxo!!

  9. Brian M
    November 25, 2018 / 12:27 am

    My _very_ Special A…. you are a blessing and I am thankful every day I have the honor of being in your life.

    You have worked very hard and I’m glad I’ve been along for the ride.

    You’ve got an army behind you in support.

    Love you more than words can convey.


    • November 27, 2018 / 9:51 pm

      Thank you so much for all your help!! You’re the best!

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