Love one another

Loving one another is a phrase we’ve heard our whole lives. In kindergarten we were told to treat each other how we’d want to be treated. In Sunday school we were taught to love our enemies as ourselves. Adults told us to love our neighbor and so on. Even if you never experienced one of those particular situations I bet you’ve probably heard or experienced similar at some point in your life. Something I’ve noticed is that people love to say that we should love each other. It’s an easy and good thing to say. We feel confident in saying it and I’d say a good amount of us actually want to mean it. Loving the good people in our lives isn’t so bad. But something to remember is that we weren’t called to love just our friends, we were called to love everyone. And to be completely honest that’s really hard.
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Through the good and the bad

I think we live in a world where it’s very easy to be grateful for the good in our lives and even easier to be upset at the bad. People say “God is good all the time.” And when life is flowing smoothly we say it back with a smile on our face. But when things are rocky it’s easy to look the other way in remorse. One thing I think we as Christians do often is forget to seek God in the good and the bad. We’re all about praising Him in celebration but sometimes I think we forget that even on the bad days He is still so good.
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Embrace – word for 2019

I’ve always had a goal of picking a word for the new year but I’ve never really stuck to it. Normally I’d forget I even picked a word four days into January. But this year is a big year for me and so here I am again picking a word. It’s taken me a little while to decide what I wanted my word to be and after a lot of searching I decided on Embrace with a little bit of courage lol. Embracing is something I’ve never been very good at. I like plans and comfort, and the thought of simply just embracing scares me completely. Though if there’s anything I learned last year it’s that we can’t plan life, it’s simply too complex and ever changing. Our God has a plan for us more beautiful than we could plan for ourselves. Though even knowing all this sometimes I still find it very hard to embrace the path in front of me. Sometimes I’d rather study the map a little longer.

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A year ago

Looking back on my life a year ago, I’d say so many things have changed and also nothing really at all. A year ago, I viewed myself as an over anxious, quiet person. I was always nervous and kept that quietly to myself as I continued to try and be brave. I felt weird for never really joining a sport in high school or anything else that made me happy. I had a deep love for writing that I kept buried away afraid to tell others how I felt. I was afraid to start this blog. Afraid people would laugh at me or view me as a too innocent/naive girl. And somewhere along the way I also learned that parts of our life are temporary and we eventually have to say goodbye to them. I questioned God a lot and wondered how his ways made sense. And then one day I decided to go for it. I decided to start working on a blog. Seriously one day I woke up and decided today was the day.
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What If

What if is a phrase I find myself saying quite a bit. It’s more powerful than it appears. Because the what ifs in life potentially have the power to hold us back from it. I’ve been a sideline kind of girl for a long time. I didn’t want to play any games or try new things because I was afraid I might mess up and look dumb so I’d say “y’all go ahead, I’ll watch and cheer you on.” I mean what if I messed up? I didn’t like big gatherings because I might get left alone or have no one to talk to. “I’m actually pretty busy tonight, but have a great time.” I mean what if I looked dumb? I didn’t want to go out for a sports team or join many clubs because what if I wasn’t any good? “I’m just not very athletic so I’m not going to try out.” What if I was the worst one there? I have lived in the what ifs for a long time. All the thoughts of what might happen kept me from the potentially good things that could happen. And for a while I was ok with that, I was good living a life of no change. Things were mostly predictable and easy to understand. And then finally, after a long period of self-reflection I asked myself “what if you didn’t worry so much about the what ifs?”
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