Strong and Courageous

Strong & Courageous are two words I try to live by. For me being a christian means being Strong & Courageous. It means standing up for what you believe in no matter what. It means still believing even on the hard days. It means that there will be highs and there will be lows. There will be mistakes and wrong turns. But there will also be happiness and joy and strength and courage. 
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A week in Italy

Hi Friends!! I can’t believe it’s August!! This year and summer are flying by!! At the beginning of the summer my incredible grandparents took me on a graduation trip to Italy and Germany!! It was seriously beyond words amazing and I’m more thankful than I can express in words! I thought it would be fun to recap my time in each country and share some tips I picked up along the way. Today I’m sharing my Italy recap and the Germany one will be coming soon!! The three main places I visited in Italy were Rome, Florence, and Verona. I’m dying to get back already, Italy you are gorgeous and it’s safe to say I’m in love!!
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