A letter to my freshmen self



Dear freshman Annie,


There are so many things I want to tell you and some things I think you’d be better off just living through yourself. To be honest, the next four years of your life won’t be the best four years of your life. But they won’t be all bad either. You’re going to grow so much. The person you’ll be four years from now will be more confident, have thicker skin, and be secure in who she is (most of the time lol.) I could tell you the hard things you’ll go through. Like the times you’ll try for something and not get, the times you’ll feel alone at lunch or lost in the hallways. The times you’ll get your heart broken and the times you’ll feel like you’re not good enough. Because the truth is these things will happen. But the good news is, you’ll survive all this and come out stronger. Because the things you tried for and didn’t get led you to right where you needed to be and exactly what you needed to realize.

The times you felt alone at lunch and lost in the hallways led you to really great friends. When your heart breaks it will eventually mend. And all the times you felt not good enough lead you to become the bravest you’ve ever been in your entire life. Don’t let the small things get to you. You are seriously so blessed and so lucky to have the life you have. Your family really is the best. They’ll be with you through ever happy and hard moment. Say thank you to mom more. By the time you’re a senior you will have realized just how much she does for you and how much she loves you. Help her out whenever you can. Answer the phone when people call you. I know you hate it but do it anyway. Talking to people is important. Start the dang blog. I know you’re scared and afraid of what people might say, but do it anyway. It will turn out to be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. Embrace what you’re afraid of instead of running from it. Don’t let fear control your life. Take the dogs on more walks, ask people how they’re doing and actually listen. Say thank you after everything you receive, apologize when you make a mistake, forgive those who have wronged you. Pray often. Make time for jesus. Read your devotional but also live out his love in real time. It’s ok and even good to ask for help. I know sometimes it will feel hard to accept that you can’t do it all. Listen to your parents, spend time with your sisters, hug your close friends, and just simply enjoy your life. You’ll spend so much time wishing for tomorrow that you might forget to enjoy the today. These four years will fly by and before you know you’ll sitting in an arena with a cap and gown on asking yourself where the time went. You’re going to do so many great things!! You’ve got this girl!


See you soon, Senior Annie




  1. Papa
    May 21, 2019 / 3:32 pm

    Annie, this is profound wisdom. I wish I had a Senior Sandy to tell Rat Sandy a few things back in 1962. You are beyond amazing. These Robert Frost lines remind me of you:

    “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.”

    Love, Papa

  2. Katie
    May 21, 2019 / 3:12 pm

    Excellent job! You are so talented! I love u!! ❤️, AK

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