Fear is a Liar

I’m scared of a lot of things. Things like talking in front of crowds, hurting someone’s feelings, looking silly, sharks, snakes, ending up alone, and the list goes on. I live in constant fear of messing up. I hate making mistakes or making someone upset. I don’t like to rock the boat. I’m scared to take risks because I’m afraid of being embarrassed. These are just some of my fears all of which I wish didn’t exist. For a long time, I lived in my fears. I’ve wanted to start this blog for probably about 3 years but was too scared to put my heart out there. Living in your fears is quite possibly one of the worst things we can do for ourselves. I know, because I do so often. I hold myself back from good things because I’m too scared of the unknown. I’m scared of the risk.

Taking a risk is not always a bad thing. In some ways, I think when people think of a “risk taker” they think of a skydiver or a cliff jumper. And that’s cool because for some people that’s their risk. That’s what their afraid of. But I believe we can all be risk takers in our own way. Facing a fear and journeying into the unknown- that’s a risk- no matter how big or small. Fear is a liar friends. He is not good and does not want the best for us. He intends to hold us back from our greatest potential. I’ve realized lately that we miss out on a lot of life when we’re afraid of it. Friends it is so easy to be afraid. Life is scary. There is good news though. Our fear is a liar but our God is not. He is honest and kind and intentional. I got the inspiration for this post idea from a new song called “Fear is a Liar” by Zach Williams. I will link it at the end and I pray you give it a listen because it’s pretty much getting me through every day. My favorite lyrics from the song are “Oh, fear he is a liar, He will take your breath, stop you in your steps, fear he is a liar, He will rob your rest, steal your happiness, cast your fear in the fire, Cause fear he is a liar.” Seriously though. Fear lies to us. He tells us what we can’t do or what we just couldn’t possibly be good at. He tells us we are unworthy and dirty and too messed up to fix. But he is wrong.

Think of your biggest fear. What’s holding you back? What are you afraid of? Take that fear friends and put it in Gods hand, pray about it. Because chances are that fear, he’s telling you lies and feeding your heart pain. But God takes those lies and turns them into courage. A year ago, if you would have told me I would start this blog. I probably would have laughed, unable to imagine a day where I could step away from my fear. But here I am. Standing tall and proud and recognizing that those fears, they weren’t true, because I serve a God who is above the hurt and lies, because he is love. He is strength, and courage, and bravery. And he wants more for me than lies. I have found the courage to stand up to my fears through God Because I know that through him, I can do all things. Stop letting your fear decide what you can’t do, and this goes for me too. I need to stop being afraid of being embarrassed and do the things I love. It is so freeing y’all to step away from the fear and into the light.

Friends we need to stop being afraid and just do the things we love. They are so important. If you want to sing, but are afraid people won’t like your sound do it anyway. If you want to play a sport, but are afraid you won’t be good, do it anyway. If you want to try for that new job, but are afraid you won’t get it, do it anyway. If you want to put your heart out there but are afraid it will get hurt, do it anyway. Life is scary but with Jesus it is so good. The sun rises and sets. The grass grows, babies are born, sicknesses are cured, people feel love and joy and courage. There is plenty of pain too friends. But if we stay in that pain, hurt, and fear we can never thrive. God heals and he is honest. I saw a quote once that read “our greatest gifts are often hidden in our deepest fears” and that has stayed with me. Because when we step away from the dark shadow fear casts on us, the light of our gifts shines through.

Think of your fear as a storm. A bad one with lightning and thunder and maybe even hail. If you stand in that storm, it will continue to overpower you. The storm will continue to overcome the world and keep you from living. But if you step out of the storm and wait for the light, you’ll see things differently. The sky will be clearer than it once was. You will recognize the lies and the hurt and find the courage to break through them. God is light y’all. I’ve always been in love with sunsets and I think mainly because I’ve always seen God as light. And when I watch the sun dip below the ground and watch as the colors paint the sky I see God so clearly, I see his light, and I see courage to step away from my fears. Start taking the leap and step out of the storm called fear. Start saying yes to new adventures. The Lord says “Fear not, for I am with you” and wow isn’t that just the most comforting thing ever. He is with us friends. Why should we fear? So, fear is a liar but God is not. He is strength to step away from the storm and into the rainbow at the end. And I think if we know this, the lies of fear don’t stand a chance against the truth we know and the courage in our hearts.

All the love, Annie
youtube link to “Fear is a Liar” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1srs1YoTVzs



  1. April 25, 2018 / 9:42 am

    Beautiful post Annie! I struggle with anxiety, but over the years God has showed me His faithfulness. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have abundant life! (John 10:10) I heard a sermon from Steven Furtick recently called “Let the Dirt Do it’s Work.” In it he said our job is to have faith and be obedient, but God’s job is to control the outcome! Fear is a liar but He is truth!

    • April 25, 2018 / 8:51 pm

      Thank you so so much! I love that verse too!

  2. April 25, 2018 / 9:38 am

    Oh, that’s a beautiful quote: “Our greatest gifts are often hidden in our deepest fears.” Thank you for sharing.

    Thankfulness is my avenue past my fears. I find if I focus on gratitude, it ushers me past all kinds of barriers, and I can take action, regardless.

  3. Heather Wartenberg
    April 14, 2018 / 12:05 am

    I needed this today, thank you! I love that song too, and I love your blog! 🙂

    • April 20, 2018 / 2:51 pm

      Thank you so much! That means the world to me!

  4. Brian M
    April 13, 2018 / 9:47 pm

    Another great post, Annie! This topic is something that definitely resonates with me. I constantly have to remember to put myself out there, and I can attest, it’s hard.

    We tend to get very complacent and happy in our own little rut. Continuing to try new things or taking a risk is a good thing.

    I’m very happy you’ve taken a risk with this Blog. Keep up the GREAT work. You’re making a difference!

    Love, UB

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